Tulsa Arena District Master Plan
Every day, we are building the communities we want to live in. Our reach is national, but our twelve metropolitan offices are focused across the Eastern United States, because this is where we’re from, and this is where we want to be.
Tulsa Arena District Master Plan
Oxford Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan
Engage New Albany Strategic Plan
Downtown Akron Vision and Redevelopment Plan
‘Plan Greenville County' Comprehensive Plan
Long Street Bridge and Cultural Wall
Downtown Toledo Master Plan
Discovery District SID Placemaking Plan
Euclid Avenue & South Limestone Street Commercial Corridor Study
Uptown Westerville Plan
RAPID 5 One Central Greenway
Northwest Indiana Transit Development District Planning
Gary Metro Station and Downtown TOD Visioning
Akron TOD Feasibility Study
Great Parks of Hamilton County Comprehensive Plan
Downtown Louisville Master Plan
LinkUS Northwest Corridor Mobility Study Development Framework
Memphis Innovation Corridor Transit Oriented Development Plan
I-70/I-71 Innerbelt Design Enhancement
Gay Street Corridor Improvement
Bike New Albany Plan
Arena District
Grandview Yard
Uptown District and MLK/Reading Road Innovation Corridor Implementation Strategy