Downtown Gainesville Strategic Plan Gainesville, Florida
Services Provided
Downtown Planning
People Involved
Andrew Overbeck
Darren Meyer
Luis Calvo
2024 FLASLA Award of Honor
2023 IDA Downtown Achievement Award of Excellence
Plan Document
Considering the past, present, and future of Downtown Gainesville and its surrounding neighborhoods to strategically outline opportunities and move downtown forward
Through two years of close collaboration with the Gainesville community, MKSK and Development Strategies developed a Strategic Plan for Downtown Gainesville that aligns with and complements current plans and initiatives, builds on existing assets, connects with and uplifts adjacent neighborhoods, supports new residential and business opportunities, and focuses on specific steps for implementation. This community-based plan does more than set forth a collective vision for the future growth and revitalization of Downtown Gainesville. It also sets up a practical framework for implementation that will be sustainable and impactful.
Following the plan’s unanimous adoption by City Commission, City leadership immediately focused on enabling the first steps toward implementation. These steps included a two-day implementation retreat, led by MKSK, with City leaders, community leaders, and open public participation. Through site tours with local residents and business owners, interviews with downtown stakeholders from peer communities, and detailed discussion regarding downtown place management, capital project funding approaches and supporting policy and legislation, the City and project partners are poised to make substantive progress towards the community’s vision for Downtown Gainesville.
The Goals of the Plan include:
1. Choice of a variety of residential opportunities - types and price points
2. Successful locally owned retail businesses
3. Destination for 18/7 living, working, and experiencing
4. Equitable development in adjacent neighborhoods
5. Community gathering places to hangout or to have
events and festivals
6. Well-designed, well-maintained, and attractive landscaping and buildings
7. Additional “mid-rise” mixed-use buildings providing office and residential opportunities.
8. Neighbors and guests feeling safe with a well-lighted Downtown
9. Diverse mix of small locally owned retail, national retailer, and entertainment/unique experience-based businesses
The resulting plan is actionable and forward-thinking. Immediately following plan adoption, MKSK conducted an implementation workshop to begin to work on making improvements to Sweetwater Park and SW 1st Avenue, and forming a place management organization.