Summit Park Interpretive Signage Blue Ash, Ohio
Services Provided
Environmental Graphics
Interpretive Signage
Regulatory Signage
People Involved
Don Jewett
Simplifying complex information through visual communication
Summit Park is a 130-acre park on the former site of a municipal airport, located in the city of Blue Ash, Ohio. Visitors to the park enjoy interactive programming, unique learning opportunities, and year-round experiences.
MKSK was given the opportunity to develop a variety of signs throughout this premier city park, including interpretive, wayfinding and regulatory signage.
The interpretive signage was designed to educate visitors about significant park features and how they continue to improve the sustainability of the park. The diagrammatic illustrations and information graphics make it easier for visitors to visualize the processes happening throughout the park.
The signage effectively communicates complex information about stream restorations, aquatic margins, wetland rehabilitation and bioswales.
The sign package also includes well-considered rules signs to keep visitors safe without impeding on their visual enjoyment of the park. Color and typography were selected based on existing brand standards, and materials were selected to reflect both the natural and architectural characteristics of the park.
The signage was designed to blend in and feel apart the natural environment it describes rather than contrasting against it.