Creative Placemaking Invigorates Places for Commerce – and People
Alpharetta, Georgia is creatively redesigning the public realm to encourage a vibrant mixed-use district with more walking, bicycling, and transit use.
North Point, located in Alpharetta, Georgia is a commercial center at the heart of a growing regional economy with significant opportunities for mixed-use development, recreation, and cultural celebration. With access to transportation options, housing choices, community activity centers, and public spaces, North Point is positioned to become a desired livable community within the Atlanta metro area.
Working closely with stakeholders and the community, MKSK is preparing a Creative Placemaking Plan to stimulate investment and transform an auto-dominated environment into a vibrant, livable district. The study will articulate streetscape, design guidelines, wayfinding and signage and the integration of smart technology to encourage walkability and safe movement of pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles throughout the North Point area. The plan recommends a diversity of types of creativity and public art to enrich the corridor environment as well as create an interactive destination.