Congratulations Chris Hermann, Principal Planner at MKSK, on being elevated to the AICP College of Fellows!
Chris Hermann, of MKSK, has achieved the planning profession’s highest honor by being selected to hold the prestigious title of American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Fellow for his outstanding achievements in urban planning.
Fellowship is granted to planners who have achieved certification through the American Planning Association’s professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners, and have achieved excellence in professional practice, teaching and mentoring, research, public and community service, and leadership. Fellows are selected after a thorough nomination and review process, ensuring the nominee has had a positive, long-lasting impact on the planning profession.
As stated in APA’s nomination letter of support, “Hermann's dedication to and effect on the profession of Urban Planning is both exceptional and far-reaching. Over the course of nearly three decades, his tireless efforts and unwavering commitment have left an indelible mark on our community – including conducting over 200 planning projects. As a practitioner who has seamlessly woven the threads of city planning, urban design, and landscape architecture, Hermann has consistently demonstrated a profound understanding of the power and potential that emerges from the convergence of these disciplines.”
“A defining feature of Hermann's distinguished career has been his visionary approach to planning that transcends scales – from regional to municipal, and neighborhood to community levels. His ability to envision bold yet achievable urban transformations is truly remarkable. Through extensive community engagement, consensus-building, and rigorous planning, Hermann has crafted plans that not only inspire but are also eminently implementable. This unique blend of creative foresight and pragmatic execution has led to tangible, lasting improvements in the communities he has served.”
“The long list of award-winning plans and projects… are a direct result of his unique combination of creativity, wide ranging expertise, deep knowledge of what it takes to bring a project to life, and charismatic leadership.” Additionally, “He has trained and guided countless planners, leaving an enduring impact on the next generation of planning leaders.”
Some of his transformational projects include:

2010 & 2022 Downtown Columbus Strategic Plan
Columbus, Ohio
The city of Columbus, the capital of the state of Ohio, is a rapidly growing region. In 2008, the Columbus Downtown Development Corporation selected MKSK to create the Downtown Columbus Strategic Plan. As Project Manager, Chris met with a broad cross section of the community including residents, corporate leaders, institutions, and young professionals. The result was a plan that established 10 Guiding Principles, 8 Strategies, and 12 Big Ideas that led to transformative projects, like the Scioto Greenways (2016 American Planning Association National Planning Excellence Award for Implementation - Downtown Columbus Riverfront) that have helped to define and transform the image and attractiveness of downtown and the city of Columbus. In part due to the impetus of this planning effort, Columbus’ public and private sectors invested in its downtown (over $1.5B); the city was positioned to recover quickly from the Great Recession; more than 10,000 residents moved into new and renovated housing in downtown; and Columbus is now recognized as one of the most thriving cities in the country. In 2022, MKSK completed an update to the Downtown Plan. The ideas in the plan represent the voices of more than 2,000 community members who were engaged through 3 Community Workshops, 120 stakeholder interviews, and online surveys and activities. The plan has received the approval of Downtown leaders, the business community, institutional partners, government partners, and many more. A number of recommendations are already being implemented including the Capital Line, a public arts study, new downtown event and activation programs, new downtown retail incubator programs, conversion of Rich and Main Streets to two-way, and setting the stage for achieving 40,000 downtown residents, among many other efforts.

I-670 & I-70/71 Innerbelt Studies and Design Enhancement Plans
Columbus, Ohio
Through a collaboration between the Ohio Department of Transportation and City of Columbus, Chris played a critical role as planning and urban design project manager for a once-in-a-generation opportunity to repair the scars created by the original construction of the Innerbelt freeway around Downtown Columbus. Over the nearly twenty-year span of the project, he successfully built consensus and approval around vastly improved designs for both the I-670 Innerbelt Widening Project and the $1.3B I-70/71 Columbus Crossroads/Ramp-Up project, which he championed to the great benefit of the community. Chris led over 100 project and community meetings intended to build trust and work toward securing additional funding for the enhancements. The impact of this transformational project is best summarized by former U.S. Transportation Secretary Foxx who stated, “This (project) is a compelling example of how transportation can create or eliminate opportunity gaps in our Nation. We need to bring people, neighborhoods, communities, and regions together by design.”

Plan Greenville County Comprehensive Plan
Greenville, South Carolina
In 2018, Chris led a year-long effort to create Plan Greenville County - the comprehensive plan for the rapidly growing county in Upstate South Carolina with a population over 500,000. Together, the MKSK and County Team conducted a series of twenty stakeholder workshops and eleven public meetings across the large and diverse geography of the county, taking meetings to the community. This process generated over 3,300 comments that helped guide the plan. Areas of focus included examining the impacts of rapid growth; protecting scenic and agricultural land; consolidating the many sanitary sewer districts; addressing affordable and missing middle housing; protecting mill villages and cultural resources; addressing edge conditions; and improving outpaced transportation systems. Chris led a community conversation on how best to accommodate over 220,000 new residents and 100,000 jobs over the next two decades using a series of growth scenarios and character areas recognizing the diverse geographies of the county. Following the plan’s adoption, the county has worked quickly on implementation to secure early wins, including consolidation of sewer providers; formation of a countywide trust fund to preserve natural and historic resources; creation of a unified development ordinance; launch of a mobility study including high-capacity transit; and initiation of monthly intergovernmental coordination meetings.
In addition to his achievements in urban revitalization, Chris has demonstrated a deep commitment to fostering sustainable growth and resilience in communities across the Midwest. His work on the City of Bexley Master Plan and Design Guidelines in the early 2000’s exemplifies his dedication to unlocking the potential of historic town centers and enhancing walkability, connectivity, and quality of life. Similarly, his leadership in guiding the growth and vibrancy of the City of New Albany underscores his ability to forge long-term partnerships and empower communities to thrive.
Through his visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to collaborative planning with clients, stakeholders and communities, Chris has left an indelible mark on the urban landscape, transforming cities and enriching lives across the Midwest and beyond.
Click here for more details on the 2024 Class of Fellows of the AICP.
MKSK was in attendance at the AICP Council of Fellows Ceremony in Minneapolis, MN during the National Planning Conference. Chris Hermann (center) was honored among the Class of 2024 College of Fellows.