Union Station to Georgetown Streetcar Washington, DC
Services Provided
Landscape Architecture
Design & Documentation
People Involved
Jonathan Fitch
The design for a new 3.75-mile streetcar line provides users with an additional mode of transportation, connecting Union Station to Georgetown with stops along the way.
In collaboration with ZGF Architects, MKSK designed the 3.75-mile long Union Station to Georgetown Streetcar project. The design team developed the landscape studies, station design, public space/ streetscape design, and illustrating transportation alternatives for the National Environmental Policy Act and the District Department of Transportation.
MKSK participated in public meetings and worked with community leaders on the transportation alignments and determining the scope of the project which traverses several of the District’s Wards, ANC’s, and business development groups.
The USGT project was advanced alongside the District’s major stakeholders and community groups to ensure that the public interest was always at the core of the infrastructure improvements.