Jerome Village Jerome Township, Ohio
Services Provided
Master Planning
Open Space & Streetscape Design
People Involved
Jeff Pongonis
Tony Roell
Ashley Solether
Thoughtful design maintains and preserves open space for a new mixed-use residential development
Jerome Village is a mixed-use development encompassing nearly 1,400 acres in southern Union County, Ohio. Planned as a conservation development, Jerome Village will ultimately contain office, traditional large-format retail, a town center, a variety of housing types, and multiple school sites while providing 40% open space.
MKSK developed the site design surrounding the central Community Center and Pool, as well as developed an agrarian design vernacular for the development entries and open spaces, expressed through a palette of four-rail fencing, stone columns, and native plantings.
MKSK has been engaged in the on-going refinement to the master plan, including the roadways, lot layouts, and recreational trails. and design development through construction for the various phases of development. Plans reflect a dedication to thoughtfully locate development within the confines of existing woodlots, hedgerows, and other natural features.