Scotts Miracle-Gro Community Garden Campus, Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Columbus, Ohio
Services Provided
Garden Design
Donor Package Design
Landscape Architecture
Construction Documentation
People Involved
Karen McCoy
Tim Schmalenberger
Tony Roell
2010 Ohio Chapter ASLA Honor Award
2010 Columbus Landmarks Foundation James B. Recchie Design Award
Creating a living classroom for culinary and gardening education through artful and sustainable design.
The Community Garden Campus concept was conceived during Franklin Park’s master plan process. Stakeholder groups voiced a desire to restore and re-purpose the existing historic Caretaker’s Cottage and revitalize the seldom-visited southeast corner of the park. The vision of the gardens was to provide a central place for education, communal gardening, and celebration through artfully designed gardens, terraces, structures, and edible landscapes.
Designed to provide inspiration, the various gardens exhibit custom details and unique ideas and materials. The six-acre campus was organized by function around a central cross axis. Structures frame the garden axis and house education venues, demonstration work areas, storage, and whimsical places of respite. All of the gardens and construction materials were carefully designed and selected to meet organic and sustainable principles and to reflect the objectives of the Conservatory’s mission to “elevate quality of life and connect the community through educational, cultural, and social experiences.” Garden illustrations were created and presentations given to prospective donors to facilitate an extensive fund raising campaign, as well as uniquely designed garden specific donor recognition.