Toledo’s Downtown Resurgence Continues with Updated Master Plan
Learn how Downtown Toledo has successfully implemented the 2017 Master Plan and is working toward the next evolution of its downtown transformation.
Building on a Track Record of Implementation
Upon adoption of the 2017 Downtown Toledo Master Plan, ConnecToledo, the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Metroparks Toledo, and community partners set to work. All of the 2017 Plan’s 12 Priority Action Items are either underway or complete. These implementation results benefit all Toledoans: nearly $750 million of completed catalytic projects, from new corporate headquarters to the residential conversion of downtown office towers and warehouse buildings for both market rate and workforce housing. Investment in the downtown riverfront is continuing apace. Promenade Park opened in summer 2017 and has been a hub of activity for the community, hosting dozens of community events and attracting tens of thousands of residents downtown each summer.
Additional catalytic projects include the $200 million Glass City Metropark that fulfills the community’s vision of a restored riverfront park system on both sides of the Maumee River. An $80 million renovation to the Glass City Convention and Event Center and attached hotel has boosted downtown’s hospitality market. From the architecturally significant “Four Corners” buildings at the intersection of Huron St. and Madison Ave. to Fort Industry Square, 11 historic structures have also been rescued from neglect and plans for restoration are underway. Downtown mobility improvements have also been made, with a new transit center, and the pedestrian-focused and bicycle-focused streetscape improvements complete on Summit Street and Jefferson Avenue.
Based on the successful implementation track record of the 2017 Downtown Toledo Master Plan, ConnecToledo engaged MKSK and Development Strategies to update the existing plan. Given the changing nature of downtown, new developments, new initiatives and plans, and the ever-evolving market conditions, it was time to think about the next stage of planning for Downtown Toledo.
A Refreshed Strategic Direction
This addendum to the 2017 Master Plan involved the community, stakeholders and a steering committee to update the plan based on current needs, market conditions, ongoing projects and investments, and new opportunities. The Master Plan Update began in January 2023 with a steering committee kick-off meeting. This was followed by the launch of a project specific website and stakeholder focus group meetings in February. The planning team worked through the spring to update Market Analysis and set a direction for the Plan Update. These were vetted by the steering committee before continuing forward with the development of updated strategies, recommendations and focus area opportunities. Those were shared with the steering committee in August. Work on the draft Master Plan Update continued through the late summer and the final plan was presented at ConnecToledo’s Annual Meeting in November 2023.
Market Analysis and Strategy
To support the update of the Downtown Toledo Master Plan, the planning team analyzed regional market conditions for new real estate development, reevaluated market projections from the 2017 plan, and devised a strategy for supporting downtown’s economy and vibrancy over the next decade. This is of particular importance given the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and continued work-from-home trends for key downtown employers, which has dramatically reduced the customer-base for many of downtown’s retailers and limited the long-term viability of some of the stock of office space.
Market Analysis indicates that over the next decade Downtown Toledo could support between 1,000 and 1,300 new and rehabbed housing units, 35,000 to 45,000 square feet of rehabbed and repositioned retail space, 100,000 to 200,000 square feet of repurposed and repositioned office space, and 350 to 400 new hotel rooms.
The Market Strategy builds upon market analysis to identify key development objectives for downtown over the next decade, to enhance vibrancy and support long-term economic viability. This is of critical importance, given the impacts of the pandemic on office utilization, visitation, and tourism. This strategy guides and prioritizes real estate investment and aligns the physical planning goals and objectives, including catalyst site redevelopment planning. Focus was placed on the entrepreneurial ecosystem to understand key elements and the role of downtown in supporting startup activity and small businesses over the next decade. Key indicators and strengths in Toledo include project job growth in knowledge sector (healthcare, medical, computer, math, architecture, engineering and financial), the glass and solar state Tech Hub, and the potential anchor of the Toledo Innovation Center.
Strategic recommendations include:
Leverage Toledo Innovation Center as the focal point for regional entrepreneurial support services
Create startup grant program
Expand retail offerings downtown to serve a wide range of visitors and consumer preferences
Continue identifying redevelopment opportunities for housing
Create opportunities for hotel development
Enhance Toledo Farmers’ Market experience
Focus Areas and Public Realm Enhancements
Both the market analysis and market strategy point to opportunities to continue to invest in Downtown Toledo. Working together with the steering committee, stakeholder and community, the planning team identified Focus Areas that will be critical to the continued success of downtown. The plan suggests places to start and ways to focus reinvestment on placemaking, streetscapes, and other activation that will set the stage for redevelopment and reuse.
These sites include:
Riverfront: As the only remaining undeveloped site along the riverfront, this is an opportunity to leverage Riverwalk and streetscape improvements.
Paramount Block: Recognizing the need for parking to support the Four Corners redevelopment, there is an opportunity here to also create a mixed-use development.
Swan Creek: Builds on the Warehouse District plan and the planned investment in the Food Hall to create a new Farmer’s Market and mixed-use residential development along a revitalized Swan Creek.
Uptown: Building on planned RAISE Grant improvements and the Toledo Innovation Center, there is an opportunity to reuse existing warehouse buildings and create new mixed-use redevelopment.

Implementation is Already Underway
ConnecToledo and other partners are already working to implement the 2023 Downtown Toledo Master Plan Update. The next phase of design work is slated to begin in Uptown with the RAISE Grant streetscapes and mobility improvements later this year. Riverfront park improvements continue as the Glass City Riverwalk connects to East Toledo and design work continues at International Park. Concept design work is underway on Farmer’s Market improvements and preliminary site investigation on Swan Creek is also advancing.
Taken together, these community-led and informed strategic recommendations will continue to bring energy, activity and livability back to the core of Toledo.