We believe Black Lives Matter and Black Communities Matter

We believe Black Lives Matter and Black Communities Matter


MKSK stands in solidarity with Black Americans and communities of color in the fight against systemic discrimination, racial injustice, social inequality, and most regrettably violence against Black people. The horrific nature of the events we continue to witness cannot be tolerated and mandates that we speak out and commit to work tirelessly for change because Black Lives Matter and Black Communities Matter.

We are committed to breaking down the barriers of inequality and actively working to create change through action. This includes:

  • We commit to redoubling our efforts to listen to the Black community, understand their needs, and be accountable for follow-through. We will champion the equitable use of land and resources to create healthy, livable communities and economic opportunity. 

  • We commit to advancing our firm’s Strategic Plan with assertive diversity hiring, mentoring, and advancement practices throughout MKSK.

  • We commit to building a diverse community of future leaders, engaging grade school youth with a meaningful introduction to the professions that shape their communities: Planning, Urban Design, and Landscape Architecture. 

  • We commit to building relationships and creating substantive professional partnerships and collaborations with planners, designers, and allied disciplines in the Black community.

We believe that racism has no place in our profession or our communities.

Image credits: Muralist credit- Mandi Caskey, The Ohio Theater, Columbus, Ohio. #ArtUnitesCbus. Click here for more information on this initiative. Photo credit- MKSK.