Henry A. Tandy Centennial Park Lexington, Kentucky
Services Provided
Urban District Design
Sustainable Design
Construction Documentation
People Involved
Brian Kinzelman
Jeff Bryan
Kevin Dicke
2011 Kentucky American Society of Landscape Architects Award of Merit
2010 AIA Cincinnati Committee On The Environment Sustainability Award
2010 Ohio Chapter ASLA Honor Award
Lexington’s historic Market Square has been re-energized as downtown’s vibrant entertainment district.
Lexington’s historic market square is re-energized as downtown’s vibrant entertainment district. The master site planning and design for this new outdoor gathering, public market, and event space along the Old Courthouse Square was part of a strategic planning effort of the Lexington Streetscape Master Plan. The Park establishes a venue that supports expanded outdoor dining, entertainment, and cultural activities and has provided a catalyst for future investment.
The introduction of a transparent Market Pavilion to house the Lexington Farmer’s Market and a host of other civic programs and cultural events funded by Fifth Third Bank, including a weekly “Thursday Night Live”, restores the space to its roots as the city’s signature gathering space.
The community’s investment in the park has contributed to significant private investment with the subsequent opening of several new restaurants and the renovation and adaptive re-use of much of the area’s upper story spaces.
Henry A. Tandy Centennial Park exhibits design on a human scale. The building form is culturally familiar; the piazza is compact and pedestrian-friendly promoting a walkable urban district containing restaurants, shops, services, and cultural resources.
The renaissance of the park has contributed to the preservation of Lexington’s urban center, revitalized an existing public space, and promoted stability for city neighborhoods through increased vitality and private investment.